Thomas Thomas

Thomas's Details

Age 17 years old
Hobbies In the summer months, I love to be in the pool!

Sponsor Thomas

About Thomas

Whenever an adult gives Thomas special attention, they are sure to get a big, bright smile in return! Thomas loves being hugged, talked to and played with. Thomas was born in November 2004 and has been in Bethel’s care for a long time. He has CP and Epilepsy as well as a visual impairment. Thomas can track people with his eyes, so we know he can see some things. Though he’s not verbal, we can tell by how his face lights up that loves special attention.

Thomas has stretching therapy every day. We can tell that it makes him uncomfortable, but afterwards he is very smiley and happy. He has recently made some progress with mobility in his arms, and he can now move his arm to help hold his bottle and the spoon when he’s being fed. He is in a wheelchair and can’t move on his own, but he still has an adventurous spirit—his favorite activity was going to hippotherapy (therapy while on horseback). Thomas also likes playing in the pool in the summertime, and doesn’t let his wheelchair hinder his adventurousness.

Thomas's Details

Age 17 years old
Hobbies In the summer months, I love to be in the pool!

Adoption Information

Bethel firmly believes love is the heart of a family, which is why we continue to carry out our mission based on trust in a family unit. While Bethel itself is not an adoption agency, we are committed in advocating for the adoption of all our children in the hopes that their families find them sooner.

More than 150 Bethel children have been adopted into loving homes throughout Bethel’s 15-year history.